This week Moriah and I are getting to spend even more quality time together because Luke is down in Charlotte testing for work. I picked her up around 4pm and we went to Target in search of a toy. Admittedly I have a problem spoiling Moriah. I want to give her everything. What's cool is she doesn't want everything or at least she not sure she does at this point in her life. Most kids you take into the toy section are saying " I want this one, I want that one!" Not Moriah. We got to the toys and she asked me to let her out of the cart so she could look around. She just walked up and down the Ilse looking at all the toys. I would say, "Moriah do you want that one" and she would replay "No not that one maybe another one." As if she was holding out for something better. After walking up and down all the Ilse I asked her about something we had previously looked at and she still said "No thank you". I think she hadn't quite comprehended that I was telling her we could take them home with us. Finally she decided on a Cinderella Tea Set and a Barbie doll.
We then headed to the shoe section where she insisted that she try on every pair of shoes in her size. She didn't think we were taking any of those home either. It was fun and I almost felt like I was shopping with a friend. She was cute. We finally settled on a pink pair of flip flops.
Just as I was headed to the front of the store she said "We should find some clothes for me." I was thinking the same thing, but I was trying to tell myself we need to get out before I bought her the whole store. Two outfits later we were headed towards the check out counter. Moriah was totally excited about all her new goodies and ready to get home and play.